juliet travers wallpaper

Wallpaper Hanging


Our team

Wallpaper has become extremely popular in recent years which has meant we have had a lot of experience hanging it. It's an excellent way to add colour and pattern to your space and requires expert knowledge and application for the best result.

Getting wallpaper right is extremely important, not only for the sake of a beautiful finish but also because it’s a more expensive option compared to painting. Our Painters & Decorators Fulham include several highly-skilled wallpaper hangers, and we are regularly recommended by wallpaper suppliers to their customers.


Our Team

pierre frey wallpaper and green panelling cloakroom

Skill & Style

We expertly prep walls in advance of wallpapering and have hung all types of paper from simple patterns to those with complicated repeats as well as textured papers like grasscloth.

We also have specialists among our Painters & Decorators Islington who can hang delicate niche brands like De Gournay.